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Weather patterns around the world are shifting…and although it’s fortunately cooler than usual here in California this summer, tempers are still on the rise, tensions ride high, and criminal intent is always in the air! Our latest release reflects these sentiments…and for TRS072 we are bringing back an artist that we released last year. We are very pleased to re-welcome Morgen Wurde, aka Wolfgang Röttger, and his latest release, Assassinous Act!
We had told Wolfgang earlier in the year that we would be doing a “crime release” of sorts in the near future, and he promptly and enthusiastically agreed to compose a fictitious soundtrack for us to this non existent crime that is reflected in the packaging for TRS072. He has done a fantastic job to that effect! Dark and ominous at times…mysterious and reflective at others…the thirteen tracks here take us through the conception of the crime, to the actual acting out of it and beyond, to a final redemption and reckoning of sorts. With his "accomplices", Maria Estrella Aggabao and Georges-Emmanuel Schneider, he has indeed provided us with a fitting soundscape to this release!
As usual this release will be available in two physical versions. The absurdly appropriate deluxe version is composed of an actual “crime kit”…each of which comes contained in a zippered, textile evidence bag, and is hung and labeled with a hand distressed and numbered toe tag. Every bag contains all that you should need to figure out the parameters of this crime! The actual potential murder weapon in the form of an antique ice pick w/bullet attached (not live ammo), a vintage mug shot and fingerprint card, a copy of an antique fingerprinting magazine, a hand typed out and repurposed evidence envelope with factory pressed “soundtrack” disc inside it, a hand modified blood spatter test card, a mysterious vintage coat check tag with brass key attached, (what’s in the locker?), and other evidentiary objects of interest to anyone trying to figure this crime out!
Put this evocative soundtrack on while studying the objects at hand, and see if you can solve this whodunnit!
There is also the lovely digipak edition of only 100 copies.
More Info about the deluxe packaging and Sound Clips!