Available now!
“The Field Journal” is the latest release from North Carolina based Pines, aka Zachary Corsa. This EP length, mini disc release is a soundtrack of sorts to a drive through a deserted countryside of dead fields, frosty windows, empty hallways, old polaroids, bare tree branches and barns. Pastoral and melodic... sometimes bleak... always nostalgic...this lovely blend of electronics and instrumentations will have you dozing on the front porch, once you arrive at your destination…and dreaming of spring...
TRS051 is available in just one, limited edition version of 65 copies. Each of these beauties comes housed in a vintage, 4” square zip disc case, which is covered inside and out with unique, antique pastoral snapshots. Each also contains an 8 panel, accordion style fold out print, each panel of which is hand colored with dirt, grass and flowers and pencil, and is extensively stamped. Each print is also hand typed on a vintage typewriter. Each case comes in a hand punched, holed, typed and stamped outer envelope. The mini disc itself is hand stamped as well.
There will only be 50 of these available at the TRS website! This release will ship the week of February 15th...
Domestic shipping $5.00 International shipping $15.00
More Info about the packaging and Sound Clips!