TRS020 is a full length release from Romke Kleefstra, his brother Jan Kleefstra, Sytze Pruiksma and Christiaan Kuitwaard, called “Sinneplakken”. With it’s conceptual basis set in the history and atmosphere of the Frisian Islands, this music is steeped in those shorter days and longer nights of mysterious northern climes. The Frisian poetry that is being read on several tracks is blended with the electronics and sampled sounds of these flat, sub sea level islands, and the spirits of a long founded and somewhat obscured pagan past. Settle in with your cup of supplied East Frisian Black Blend tea, and enjoy this melancholic and deep felt minimalistic ambiance! 150 copies are available now on a standard 5″ replicated disc in picture sleeve.
More Info about the packaging and Sound Clips!
Domestic shipping: $4.00 | International shipping: $8.00